Welcome to the highlights of our March 2023 Natuno Sharing Sessions! At Natuno, we don't just work hard; we also have a blast while expanding our knowledge. Let's take a peek at what went down in some of our recent sessions.

The Art of Emotions by Monica

Natuno Sharing Session

Monica talked about something super important in her session: getting in touch with our emotions. 

Did you know that there is a broad spectrum of emotions out there beyond the more common ones like happiness, sadness, or anger? Understanding and regulating our emotions is crucial, as it helps us gain a better understanding of ourselves.

A Secret Ingredient to Make Life a Little Tastier by Gugun

Natuno Sharing Session

Guess what that secret ingredient is? It's MSG or Monosodium glutamate! This little ingredient adds that irresistible umami taste to food. 

Contrary to popular belief, MSG won't make you dumb.  In a recent session, Gugun shared a fascinating story about the history of MSG and how umami is now considered one of the five core tastes alongside sour, bitter, sweet, and salty.

Frugal Living by Linda

Natuno Sharing Session

Want to change your lifestyle and cut back on lavish spending? Try practicing frugal living! 

Linda explained this concept in her session and shared some tips on how to be more mindful with your spending, such as by starting budgeting and taking good care of our things so that they last longer.

It's an interesting way to approach your finances, don't you think?

The Internet Voices by Dea

Natuno Sharing Session

Dea's session was really interesting! She highlighted how the internet has made it simpler for individuals to express their opinions. Thus, it’s important for us to develop our own reasoning and not just conform to others’ opinion.

She even had us practice it through a fun game. We split into teams and debated different prompts with the roles that have been picked for us, arguing for and against each one. Congratulations to Gugun, who came out as the winner!

As most of us are working remotely, this sharing session is one way to get to know our coworkers better and create deeper connections with each other. Don't these learning sessions look like so much fun? It's all #LifeatNatuno!

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